Introduction to the Chef

My name is Jeramy Barkman, I am a graduate of Ivy Tech's Culinary Program in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  I am in the process of attaining my CDM (Certified Dietary Management) and continuing on to become a RD (Registered Dietician) through Ball State University.  I have worked in the food industry for 14 years, as of this time, and am planning on continuing for years to come.  This blog is going to be more of a personal record of information I come across that has value within the dietary field crossing with the culinary aspect, and to hopefully assist others with better food choices in regards to their health.
  • I am also wanting to be available for questions, as well as personal bookings for events or parties, this information will come available as soon as I can (work in progress on other sites as well as possible menus, which could be up for discussion/debate at a later time).

  • What I would like to achieve with this site is a more consolidated collection of my findings, as well as some recipes that I have found/made, with information that would benefit health issues and provide reasons behind certain food items that were added to the dishes to achieve positive health outcomes and potentially flavorful options that would be fitting to most appetites.


  1. I can be reached for further questions as well as possible bookings at Mind that this site is still in the making as well, and will be updated as it comes available
    -thank you


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